Frank Zappa warned us with his song "It Can't Happen Here". And now the shit has hit the fan! Bottom line: Dems are too nice. And nice is not what we need now! We need true leadership, not just a few positive economic upturns. Our democratic ship is like an old 3-masted schooner that has just been torpedoed by a nuclear submarine. And all we had were a few old, rusty cannons and we failed to even admit that the submarine was aiming directly at us.
The time for thought is over! Thinking accomplishes nothing. Either the people of America want a country they can live in and be proud of or they're willing to settle for a theocracy whose only goal is to increase their power so they can subjugate ordinary citizens while they grow ever richer and widen the divide between themselves and the rest of the population.
Umair and others have been warning about this! Even when the SCOTUS leaked draft appeared, did Biden and his administration DO anything about it?!!
Nada! Zilch! Zippo!
The world as we knew it just changed in fundamental ways that will manifest and become evident faster than people ever dreamed was possible.
Yup, it's definitely a blitzkrieg. And as an ethnic Jew, I am terrified! Truly terrified. If I was a woman, I can't even begin to imagine the depravity I would have to endure! Indigenous, Blacks, Gays, Atheists. If you're not white, male and Christian, you're in for a shitload of trouble.