I love that you never give up and speak your mind without holding anything back! And that you are sooooo right on! And most of the people I know are in denial and furthermore, still think denial is just a river in Egypt!
I have been trying to do my eco best ever since my teens in the early 1960s! Did the 3 Rs, reduce, reuse, recycle. Became a pescavore (eat fish, not land-based meat). Rode my bike to work and school. Started to do LNT (leave no trace) hiking; take only photos and bring my personal waste home to recycle or flush into the municipal sewer systems, think about how to reduce my use of plastics, etc. Think globally, act locally.
But in the grand scheme of things, it's starting to look like all I did was pay attention to a few of the individual trees when it was the whole damned forest that needed looking after! It would have worked if more people had looked after their own "trees" but I was definitely in the minority. Heck, even my step-daughter throws recyclables in the garbage because it takes too much energy for her to think about stuff like recycling when she's barely able to make enough $$ to have food and a place to live that she can afford!
And I'm lucky because I live in Canada and even though my province of BC has lots of political, environmental and Indigenous problems, which are all intimately connected, I think that we might survive the coming Event. Barely. And thankfully, I will have passed on when it does come, so I won't have to see it! Not the happiest way to view the future but C'est la Vie!
And here's a little trick I use for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit. Just remember 5 willl get you 9, plus 32. Example: temp is 5 C? Add nine to 32 which is 41 degrees F. 20 oC? That's 4 fives so 4x9=36. 36 + 32 = 68 F. There's other ways but that gets you bang on for most temps. Oh yeah, and remember that they're the same at -40 degrees but most people don't have to worry about getting to that temp. And if the warming keeps up, maybe it will become rare even at the poles!